Tag Archives: Errors

MRI and reliability…

Today in OMT1 we were talking about pros-and-cons-of-mrithe decisions made by health professionals and the clinical reasoning underpinning them. Also we had 3′ to introduce you in the mavellous world of tools reliability used in PT, as basis of future errors.

Just recieved this cartoon that probably mahke you laugh. I´m lucky because I gave you the MRI exam as the “mythical gold standard”.

Have fun!

Shared from: https://www.facebook.com/pages/West-Belconnen-Physiotherapy-Injury-Care/806281386060487



Decision Making in MWM: Designing flowcharts

We are working collaboratively these days in class.  After practicing the “how-to-do” with Mulligan technique, we are designing clinical decision making flowcharts with MWM.kr

With this formative activity we are trying to verbalize our implicit knowledge and reasoning drawing clinical paths for patient´s presentations.


  1. Chosen one technique we have splited the class in groups. Every group developed their own chart for that mobilization with their practice notes.
  2. Later, students interchange their draft with the other groups and try to do follow practically their CDM chart. If they find gaps, errors or misunderstandings, they write this advice over the chart of the other group.kr_1
  3. Finally, they meet each other and have the opportunity to put in common their thoughts and advice to get a better flow-chart.

Now, the students have to refine it during their practice. And decide if they want to share this knowledge with others… may be in the next congress of PT. Why not? I can’t remember now any paper about this…

Good job guys!

BYOD to OMT2 (2)

We are still playing around with portable devices finding a better way to enhance our learning in our OMT2 classes.

The second experience is the use of rec devices in the learning of Upper Limb Tension Tests:

  1. We divide students roles in groups of 3: Pt, Mock-patient and Rec-buddy.
  2. With the Pt´s camera, the Recbuddy record his/her assessment of the ULTT1 doing over the mock patient; when they finish, they exchange roles until everyone has his/her owns record.
  3. All together watch the 1st video and take notes:
    1. The Pt is allowed to speak first about his/her performance
    2. The Mock-patient and the Rec-buddy fill gaps and give their opinions.
    3. The Educator gives his point of view and advice too
    4. The Pt establish the goals for the next try.
  4. They watch de 2nd and 3rd video and do the same.
  5. After this, they take again the rec devices and re-do the assessment giving special attention to their previous gaps/errors
  6. Do again the point “3”.

I recommend this activity, not for classes, also for autonomous learning preparing their OSCE´s and Clinical Placement training.

Have fun co-working!

BYOD to OMT class (1)

Yes, we are following the stream of 2.0 education and we have started doing the BYOD approach in our OMT2 class.

As you are not going to left your mobiles at home… So let´s use it.

This have been our first experience called “Let´s get the best check-list for ULTT1 learning”.

I´ve planned one way… but the students have decided finally:

  1. We splitted the class in groups of 3 finally
  2. They wrote a rough paper with they first approach
  3. Practice and rec-time
  4. Watch the video, come with the collaborative checklist and send it to the educator
  5. Educator gave feedback and show other possibilities coming from different fields
  6. Students decided if they redo or not
  7. They recorded each other doing the test
  8. Upload to the web to receive feedback of the final work

A lot of higher thinking here…

Good work!

CR in PT: Teaching & Evaluation


Wanna watch a CR presentation in Higher Education?

This is the 2nd part of the serie.

Enjoy it!

Evaluación y enseñanza del Razonamiento clínico en Fisioterapia  http://es.slideshare.net/pcgarciasanchez/practica-y-evaluacion-en-la-uni-rz-1-slideshare

Clinical Reasoning in PT: intro


Wanna watch a CR presentation in Higher Education?

Enjoy it!

Introducción al Razonamiento Clínico en Fisioterapia  http://es.slideshare.net/pcgarciasanchez/intro-rz-1-slideshare