Decision Making in MWM: Designing flowcharts

We are working collaboratively these days in class.  After practicing the “how-to-do” with Mulligan technique, we are designing clinical decision making flowcharts with

With this formative activity we are trying to verbalize our implicit knowledge and reasoning drawing clinical paths for patient´s presentations.


  1. Chosen one technique we have splited the class in groups. Every group developed their own chart for that mobilization with their practice notes.
  2. Later, students interchange their draft with the other groups and try to do follow practically their CDM chart. If they find gaps, errors or misunderstandings, they write this advice over the chart of the other group.kr_1
  3. Finally, they meet each other and have the opportunity to put in common their thoughts and advice to get a better flow-chart.

Now, the students have to refine it during their practice. And decide if they want to share this knowledge with others… may be in the next congress of PT. Why not? I can’t remember now any paper about this…

Good job guys!

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