Tag Archives: OSCE

BYOD to OMT2 (2)

We are still playing around with portable devices finding a better way to enhance our learning in our OMT2 classes.

The second experience is the use of rec devices in the learning of Upper Limb Tension Tests:

  1. We divide students roles in groups of 3: Pt, Mock-patient and Rec-buddy.
  2. With the Pt´s camera, the Recbuddy record his/her assessment of the ULTT1 doing over the mock patient; when they finish, they exchange roles until everyone has his/her owns record.
  3. All together watch the 1st video and take notes:
    1. The Pt is allowed to speak first about his/her performance
    2. The Mock-patient and the Rec-buddy fill gaps and give their opinions.
    3. The Educator gives his point of view and advice too
    4. The Pt establish the goals for the next try.
  4. They watch de 2nd and 3rd video and do the same.
  5. After this, they take again the rec devices and re-do the assessment giving special attention to their previous gaps/errors
  6. Do again the point “3”.

I recommend this activity, not for classes, also for autonomous learning preparing their OSCE´s and Clinical Placement training.

Have fun co-working!